Swag packs and merch, made easy peasy.

Manage your merchandising and welcome packs on autopilot, starting from just 10 units with express delivery.

+50,000 Smiles Delivered
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Gestiona todo tu merch y swag desde un mismo sitio.

Gestiona todo tu merch desde un único lugar

Presupuestador online

Presupuesta tus pedidos de merch y packs a golpe de click. Más de 2000 productos, y cientos de opciones de packaging y personalización.

Valida tus diseños

Tarifa plana de diseño en tus artículos. Valídalos con un click.

Almacena tu merch

Estocamos tus merch items y vamos enviando de tu stock.

Logística automatizada

Sean 1 o 1000 envíos, dispones de un panel de envíos con seguimientos real-time.

Calendario de envíos

Programa tus envíos en un calendario a golpe de click.

Swag StorePronto

Abre tu propia tienda de merch y envía puntos para canjear por tus items.

Todo esto y mucho más sin coste por software. Paga únicamente por pedido.

What Boxify Users Say:

It has been a differential leap ahead of our competition.

We deliver welcome packs with every property acquisition, and that has made our customers talk more about us.

Roberto R.J. - Real Estate Portal Director

Our team members really appreciate it!

We use Boxify to automatically send birthday packs to each team member. They love it!

Jenny P. - Culture Manager at Startup

Managing all our merch in one place

From marketing, we rely on Boxify to manage our goodies at all kinds of events. It saves us time and headaches.

Marcos R. - Marketing Director at SaaS

Delighted with their creativity

Boxify not only helped us automate our campaigns but also assisted us in conceptualizing an online action that will resonate with our team.

Silvia S. - Benefits Manager at a hotel platform

Dozens of possible integrations with your favorite software

Dozens of possible integrations with your favorite software

Have questions?

Common Questions

Do I have to pay a monthly fee?

How do shipments work? Can I send them however I want?

What if I don't know how to design each item?

Do you handle logistics once the item is shipped?

Still have questions? Contact us

Join us for a virtual ☕ coffee

Decaf, Machiatto, or with milk? You decide. What I can tell you is that we're friendly, or so our mothers say.

Express Email


😱 97% of our responses are within 1 hour.

Call us or chat us vía Whatsapp

+34 623 974 008

We're available Monday to Sunday from 9 to 9 (GMT + 1)

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